NTVT001 – A story and the first tip

This is the first episode in a brand new show of non-techie, jargon-free quick tips on how to make better video.

Whether you’re a complete novice wanting to learn how, or you’re already making videos and want to improve, if you want someone to teach you how to make better videos…

…and to do all that in plain English,  without any jargon or tech-speak…

…then you’re in the right place!

I’ll be posting regular tips here,so be sure to subscribe and check back regularly, but if you’d prefer to have non-techie video tips land in your inbox daily, then just click here, leave me your details and I’ll do the rest 🙂

And there’s one other thing!  Over the next few episodes, I’ll be trying new music on for size to see which we prefer for our new theme tune.  Be sure to let me know which is your favourite!

Today’s music credit is as follows:

“Isolated” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License